Monday, April 13, 2009

this is a new post.

thats right, this is a new one.

work isnt very fun right now. ladd is in his first day here. I am giving him all the answers to the training quizzes through messenger. man we are cooler than everyone else. welp, im out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ok, i will make another post, since i havent in forever.

OK everyone, here is my life lately, in list form

1. School isn't as fun as the old sports heroes made it out to be on their basketball cards, and in the commercials, remember "its cool to stay in school" etc. etc.

2. As Jen has stated in her blog, wedding planning isn't fun. I never thought that it was, so this isn't really news to me.

3. Working customer service can drive you mad. and it will. and it did.

4. Things are expensive, and when i say things, i mean every single thing that exists on this earth, including the free things, and the dirt, and the garbage that people throw away cause they don't want it.

5. Life is good when you are so busy not to realize how bad it could possibly be if you were sitting around doing nothing all day.

6. Weird things start happening when you average 5 hours of sleep per night. When i say weird things, i mean the day is really long, and it seems like forever until the next sleep session. now that's weird.

7. Hip hop music is da best. Except for right NA NA NA NA NA!

so i hope that this has pleased all my blog faithful blogging bloggey people. If not, then that sucks. suck.